انهم اليهود , ياأغبياء

مقال للكاتب ادغار ج ستيل عن اليهود في امريكا,اتمنى من الجميع البحث عن كتاباته في الانترنت لانها فعلا تتكلم عن الحقيقة بغض النظر عن خلفية الكاتب
انهم اليهود , ياأغبياء
 It's the Jews, Stupid!!!
ادغار. ج. ستيل
من يتحكم بالحاضر يتحكم بالمستقبل
من يتحكم بالمستقبل يتحكم بالماضي
جورج اورويل 1984
نشر في 1994
اليهود هم المشكلة
الحقيقة أن اليهود هم المشكلة منذ حضروا حادثة صلب المسيح . وهم الآن عاكفون على الحرب العالمية الثالثة كما كانوا دائما في حروب القرون السابقة..
تمت كتابة كتب كثيرة حول هذا الموضوع لذلك الحقيقة لست أدري من أين أبدأ
اذا كنت لاترى بأن اليهود على الأقل جزء من المشكلة فأنت فعلا قد أسىء أخبارك, وترتع في خداع للنفس الى أبعد حد.ولن أتعامل معك في هذه المقالة , فقط اذهب وقم ببعض البحوث الأولية ثم عد الى هنا ,لأننا سوف لانتكلم لغة واحدة الا اذا قمت بذلك.
أنا وأولادي تسلمنا تهديدات بالموت من اليهود, وسمعتي المهنية دمرت بواسطة اليهود, ممارستي للقانون دمرت بواسطة اليهود( وهذا ليس صعبا عليهم لتحكمهم في كل المهن) كل هذا لأنني فكرت انه ليس من العدل الطرق بقوة على الضعفاء الذين لاحول لهم ولاقوة فقط لكونهم أغبياء قليلا,واتضح ان زبائني لم يكونوا أغبياء على الاطلاق القليل مما عرفت..
أغلب اليهود مخدوعين أيضا وهم مجرد بطاريات ينفذون المطلوب منهم بتسليمنا الى رؤسائهم لقد جعلوني عدوا لهم حتى قبل أن أدرك أنهم أعدائي, كما كانوا يفعلون ذلك من بلد الى آخر على مر العصور.
هناك سبب لتحول أميركا الى البلد الثاني المكروه في العالم " طبعا بعد اسرائيل". فلقد ربطنا أنفسنا باسرائيل ومنحنا اعلامنا وحكوماتنا الى الصهيونية, مرة أخرى أسألك هل بحثت ووجدت أن كل الاعلام هو يهودي وان كل المواقع النافذة في الحكومة وكذلك البنوك والثقافة ونسبة جيدة من الشركات؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
التاريخ يكتب مرة أخرى , حقائق جديدة تظهر عن بيرل هاربر , لينكولن , الخ وموضوعي المفضل هو الهولوكوست
لدي صديق وضعها بالشكل الأفضل :" يقول:
في كل أنحاء المناطق الأوروبية المحتلة كانت من قبل الألمان كان يعيش4 .2مليون يهودي وذلك حسب الموسوعة اليهودية, وبعد الحرب
3,8 مليون يهودي " الباقون من مذبحة الهولوكوست" يتلقون معاشا من الحكومة الألمانية , وللأسف ال 6 مليون الباقية قد ضاعت.
القبور الجماعية في "تريبلنكا" ثبت أنها ليست موجودة , ولم يكن هناك أفران للغاز في " داشاو" و "أوسويتشز"
حتى اليهود أجبروا على الاعتراف بهذه الحقائق, قم بأبحاثك وستكتشف هذا بنفسك.
يوميات "آن فرانك" كتبت بقلم ball-point وهذا النوع من الأقلام لم يباع تجاريا الا بعد نهاية الحرب العالمية الثانية
هذه القصص كلها كانت كذب ياناس
في كندا وانكلترا والنمسا وهولندا وألمانيا وأكثر الدول الأوروبية أذهب الى السجن بسبب قولي هذا ,واسألوا أولئك المسجونين هناك لمثل هذا السبب, واحزروا من يريد نقل هذه القوانين الى هنا لنسجن فقط لقولنا مثل هذا؟؟؟؟؟
خلال حملة كلينتون الانتخابية الأولى كتب مدير الحملة "جيمس كارفيل" لوحة صغيرة وثبيها على الحائط خلف مكتب كلينتون ليجعلهم يركزون على أهميتها بالنسبة للحملة وهي تتعلق بأهم مايريد المنتخبون من رئيسهم المقبل يقول فيها :" انه الاقتصاد ياأغبياء"
وأنا سأفعل نفس الشىء هنا لجعلنا دائما مركزين ,على ادراكي لمشكلتنا الحقيقية في العالم اليوم.
انهم اليهود ياأغبياء
الحاضر يعاد كتايته كما قلنا ,وأصبح أيضا بامكانهم كتابة المستقبل كما أخبرت من قبل" أورويل", وللأسف المستقبل لن يكون جيدا لمثلك ومثلي.
أعتقد أن اليهود ليس باستطاعتهم تجنب هذا , فحاجتهم للوصول الى فوقنا يشكون ما مر عليهم من ظلم هو جزء من تركيبتهم الأساسية . أغلب اليهود الذين لديهم مصداقية يعزون هذا الى حضارتهم وثقافتهم,
وقد تعرضت لاغلاق رسائلي الى العالم والذريعة كانت تختلف من آن الى آخر , ولست وحدي المقصود فقط فقد حدث هذا لسياسيين أخرين وكل من يكتب مثلي .
وتحججوا بأنني كنت أرسل فيروسات لأناس لم أسمع بهم من قبل لذلك تم اغلاق رسائلي …وأشك ان ذاك الفيروس ليس هو السبب
انهم اليهود ياأغبياء
وهذا أسوأ من هجمات القرصنة التي عانينا منها في يوليو وأغسطس أرسلت عبر الكوكب.كوم في الضفة الغربية من الاسرائيليين
الكثير من هذه الأشياء تحدث وبتتبع فاعلها نجدها من اسرائيل , وأغلبها موجه الى من مثلي يحاول ايقاظ شعبه من غفلتهم .
نعم انها مؤامرة , ويديرها اليهود
نعم انهم اليهود وبمباركة حكومتنا التي أصبحت هي أيضا يهود
كما كانوا اليهود في روسيا أصبحوا الآن الحاكمين في أمريكا ,وكما فعلوا في روسيا فهم يجعلون امريكا تنزف لتجف , ألم تعلموا أن الشيوعية كانت اختراع اليهود؟؟؟ من كنتم تظنون ماركس , لينين , تورتسكي ؟ من برأيكم المسؤول عن مقتل عشرين مليون مسيحي روسي في مطلع عام 1900؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
المافيا الروسية؟؟؟؟؟
لا انها المافيا اليهودية
والعصابة في أمريكا أيضا يهودية ولمئات السنين أيضا
من برأيكم خلف اجتثاث المسيحية من أميركا؟؟ بداية من كل مكان عام ؟تفحص أسماء المحامين والقضاة المتورطون في " Pledge of Allegience,
Ten Commandments, Christmas lights
cross cases…
كلها على نفس اللحن…
انهم اليهود ياأغبياء.
" يهودي مسيحي" انها مزحة مريضة . لقد كانت بلدا مسيحيا عندما تأ سست أصبحت بلدا صهيونيا , اليهودية ملعونة عند المسيحية اقرأوا التلمود قبل أن ترفضوا هذا السطر, لقد قرأته أنا , سوف تصدمون أعدكم بذلك , اقرأوا العهد الجديد قالها المسيح بصراحة ,
والأمور لم تتغير عبر آلاف السنين..
من كان برأيكم خلف استقطاب العنصرية في أمريكا خلال الاربعين عاما السابقين؟؟ قوموا بأبحاثكم وابحثوا عن أسماء في الحقوق المدنية
" القادة والمحامون " سوف تذهلوا بالنتيجة
أضمن لكم النتيجة وستجدون انها تنتهي بنفس اللحن..
ومالذي لاتعلمونه أيضا أن كل اليهود الموجودون في القوة السياسية للولايات المتحدة اليوم هم أيضا مواطنون اسرائيليون ,؟ فقط اسألوا" آري فليشر" "
 Bush's spokesman, or Paul Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, Adelman, Satloff, Kissinger, Luttwak, Feith, Zakheim, Abrams, Grossman, Haass, Zoelick, Schlesinger, Sembler, Chertoff, Bolton, Greenspan, Goldsmith, Golden, Gersten, Gildenhorn, Weinberger, Bodman, Cohen, Davis, Bloomfield, Lefkowitz, Frum, Melman, Blakeman..
كلهم يهود وهم من يدير الأمور في واشنطن؟
حتى " كولن باول" له سلف يهودي, وتربى في حي يهودي ويتكلم " الياديش"
انهم اليهود ياأغبياء
الثمن للوصول الى البيت الأبيض هو عبر تحقيق مصالح اليهود , لهذا كانت الحرب التي تدعى " حرب ضد الارهاب" وهكذا أيضا جاء المدعو بوش من اللامكان واستقر بالرئاسة , هو وكلينتون وأغلب الرؤساء في العصر الحالي خونة , بكل بساطة ووضوح . باعوا بلادهم ومن ضمنها أنا وأنت لأجل لفة في الحوض , نعم لقد سمعتموني جيدا " بوش خائن"
لماذا على أمريكا أن تشارك اليهود قدرهم؟ ببساطة لأن اليهود يريدون رمي الفلسطينيين خارجا
لماذا على أبنائنا أن يموتوا لأجل مصالح اليهود,
بينما أبناءهم يفعلون مايستطيعون للتهرب من الخدمة؟؟
سوف يتسببون بمقتل عدد كبير من الأمريكيين قريبا , وسوف يفقروننا جميعا قريبا , انتهت الحفلة..
شىء ما قادم الينا وقادم بسرعة كبيرة , السوق في انهيار ,وشهر واحد باقي على الانتخابات العامة , عدة بنوك رئيسية على حافة الانهيار, والتضخم ياخذ مكانه ,مع مرافقه الكساد الاقتصادي ,
كان بوش ساحق بمفكرته الصارمة المنظمة , مصممة لتحتوينا تحت الرداء كلنا عندما تسقط العجلة العام القادم
انظروا اليه معلنا أنه لاينتظر موافقة ال unعلى ضرب العراق , طبعا فنحن نقذف هذه البلد بالقنابل لأسابيع مضت الآن.
الكل في أوروبا يعلم هذا لكن الحقيقة طمست في أميركا
الحرب هي الالهاء التقليدي لانصهار الاقتصاد…
أيقظوا أنفسكم بشكل كامل ثم أيقظوا الآخرين, هذا كل ما نستطيع عمله الآن ,
أميريكا الجديدة , فكرة حان وقتها
" لم أقل أنها ستكون سهلة,فقط قلت أنها ستكون الحقيقة"
It's the Jews, Stupid!!!
by Edgar J. Steele
October 7, 2002
"Those who control the present control the future.
Those who control the future control the past.”
—-George Orwell, 1984 (published in 1949)
Jews are the problem.  Jews have been the problem since before they saw to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, in fact.
Now they are bent upon World War III, just as they fomented so many of last century's wars.
Books, indeed, libraries, have been written on this topic. I scarcely know where to begin.
If you don't see jews as being at least part of the problem, then you are seriously misinformed and wandering in extreme self delusion. I won't even try to deal with you in this essay below this level. Go do your elementary research, then come back, because we don't even speak the same language as yet.
Admittedly, I have a somewhat different take on things, inasmuch as I have become such a target for them, daring as I have to stand up for free speech, against government tyranny and actually represent real, live racists in my legal practice.  I and my children have received death threats from jews. My professional reputation has been destroyed by jews. My law practice has been destroyed by jews (not difficult, since virtually every power point in the profession is occupied by them). All because I thought it was unfair to hammer the defenseless for being a little stupid. Of course, it turns out my clients weren't stupid at all! Little did I know…
So, there's the source of my bias for all to see. However, just because you're paranoid, as they say, doesn't mean they're not out to get you. And they're out to get us all, believe me. The more activist among us come in for special treatment. It's not for nothing that I use that tag line from "The Matrix" to close my essays.  The Matrix is a must-see movie for its allegorical take on society today. Most people are just batteries (see the movie – I'm not going to explain it here), while some are actively fighting the "agents." Without a Neo, we are hopelessly outgunned, but once the red pill is taken, there is no return.
Most jews play their roles, right along with the rest of us, in furtherance of the schemes of the NWO architects (they have so many names, but Olympians is the self-chosen one they seem to like best), but most jews are just batteries, too. Little apparatchik batteries. They are as deluded as the rest of us, busily scurrying to deliver us all to their masters.
They made me their enemy even before I knew they were my enemy, just as they have done for eons, in country after country. Is every jew part of the problem? No. But there is such a concentration of them in the nub that it can be called nothing but a jewish problem.  The current major manifestation is the impending invasion of Iraq, soon to be followed by America's war on the rest of Israel's enemies. This isn't particularly relevant, but click on the following link for a streaming-video cartoon that best expresses for me the reason we are bent on invading Iraq:
http://www.markfiore.com/animation/corrections.swf There is a reason that America has become the second most-hated country in the world (after Israel, of course). We have bound ourselves to Israel and given over our media and our government to zionists. Again, do your research and find out that all the media is now jewish controlled, as are most of the government power positions, virtually all of banking and education and a good percentage of corporations.
History has been rewritten. The truth about so many things is starting to emerge: Pearl Harbor, Lincoln, etc. My favorite is the Holocaust shakedown, which now is becoming too threadbare to be sustained. A friend of mine puts it best: In all of German-occupied Europe, there resided 2.4 million jews before the war, according to the World Jewish Encyclopedia. After the war, 3.8 million jewish "Holocaust Survivors" were receiving pensions from the German government. Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.
The "mass graves" at Treblinka have been proven not to exist. There were no gas chambers and ovens at Dachau and Auschwitz. Even the jews have been forced to acknowledge these facts. Do your research and find this out for yourself.
The Diary of Anne Frank was partially written with a ball-point pen. Ball-point pens were not commercially available until after World War II. These have been lies, people.
In Canada, Germany, Austria, England, Holland and many other Western European countries, I would go to jail for saying what I did in the four previous paragraphs. Ask those now languishing in those countries' prisons for saying the same things. Guess who is trying to get the laws passed in America to jail us here, too, merely for saying the same thing?
During Clinton's first presidential campaign, his campaign director, James Carville, devised a simple thing to keep Clinton focused on what Carville correctly perceived to be the very thing about which the American electorate was most concerned. He wrote, "It's the economy, stupid!" on a piece of poster paper and taped it to the wall over Clinton's desk. I propose to employ the same sort of thing, in order to keep us focused on what I perceive to be the real problem in the world today:  It's the jews, stupid!!!
The present is being rewritten as we speak. Thus, it becomes possible for them to write the future, just as foretold by Orwell. Sad to say, the future does not bode well for the likes of thee and me.
I have been dragged, kicking and screaming, to the conclusion that we come to life with considerable baggage, hardwired into our soul/DNA/genes/whatever. I conclude that the jews cannot help it.  Their need to get on top of us, all the while whining about what victims they are, is a part of their basic structure. Most jews with any honesty will attribute it to their culture. True, so far as that goes, but it does not go nearly far enough.  Many on my list will never see this message. I find that my internet access is being cut off incrementally. Many ISPs are blocking my domain name, saying there is either something technically wrong with my domain hoster's DNS addressing (there is nothing wrong with it) or in retaliation for spamming and virus propagation.  The recent bugbear virus has been sent to lots of people this past week, with my domain name embedded as the source. I've been getting tons of returns from people of whom I have never heard, and who have never heard of me. The virus gets directed to some poor sap's computer, you see, which then dutifully spreads itself to everybody the poor sap knows, with the return address being "poorsap@conspiracypenpal.com." Bounces and complaints come into my domain's catch-all mailbox. My equipment is clean, of course. ISPs, thinking I am the source, put my domain name on black lists, so that, henceforth, none of their customers ever see anything from me.
If it were just me, I would chalk it up to paranoia. But, it isn't. There are a number of the politically incorrect being targeted by the chosen who have been getting precisely the same treatment. So much so, that I suspect the bugbear virus is simply a cover for shutting us down.
It's the jews, stupid!!!
This is far worse than the hack attacks so many of us suffered in July and August, routed through palnet.com on the West Bank by Israelis. That was coincident with the huge upsurge in in the WormKlez virus, you may recall.
Please pass this on to others. If you know you are on my list and not getting this firsthand, please raise a stink with your ISP about it. Without you even knowing it, lots of people like myself are being cut off from you. This is how censorship on the Internet is taking place these days.
That's why I feel I need to get this particular message out of my craw…before I lose my forum altogether. And there is so much to say…as I said – books and libraries.
Lots of this stuff gets traced back to Israel directly or close by, such as to Palnet.com. I have done it, time and again, as well as to one jew or another in New York. Those who have not researched this are totally unaware of the massive bulletin board campaign being waged out of Israel, orchestrated by jews everywhere against those of us here in America trying to awaken our countrymen.
Yes, there is a conspiracy. Yes, it is being run by jews. Yes, it is being condoned by our government, which has become jewish.
It isn't benign, either. Witness noted Harvard Law Professor (and jew) Alan Dershowitz' serious suggestion about legalizing torture in America for dissidents. His preferred method: antiseptic needles inserted beneath one's fingernails. By the way, just how does Harvard end up having half its student body being jewish, particularly when most of us can't afford to send our kids to state colleges?
And who, exactly, do you suppose is behind the recent eradication of the Bill of Rights in America? And, with most of the legal profession's power positions now in jewish hands, there is nobody to set things right.
It's the jews, stupid!!!
California's state government is sinking into a morass of red ink, clearly leading the nation into the depression. So, why do even the most ridiculous jewish interests still get all the state funding they want, led by the Simon Wiesenthal Center in LA, as evident from the most recently-approved state budget?
Just as they were in Russia, jews have become the American ruling class. Just as they did in Russia, they are bleeding America dry. What, you didn't know communism was a jewish invention? Just what do you think Lenin, Marx and Trotsky were? Just who do you think funded the Russian "Revolution?" What do you think a kibbutz is? Just who you do think was responsible for killing over 20 million Russian Christians in the early 1900s?
The Russian mafia? No, the jewish mafia. And the mob in America is, and has been for the past hundred years, jewish.
Who do you think is behind the move to eradicate Christianity from America, starting with every public venue? Check out the names of the plaintiffs and attorneys and judges involved with those Pledge of Allegience, Ten Commandments, Christmas lights, cross cases…they rhyme.
It's the jews, stupid!!!
JudeoChristian? What a sick joke. This was a Christian country when founded. It has become a zionist country. Judaism is anathema to Christianity. Read the Talmud before you reject this line of thinking. I have. You will be shocked, I promise you. Read the New Testament. Christ said it straight out. Things have not changed in two thousand years.
Who do you think has been behind the racial polarization in America during the last forty years? Do your research. Find out the names of the civil rights "leaders" and lawyers – you'll be surprised, I guarantee you, to find that…they rhyme.
What, you didn't know that all the jews in political power in the US today are also Israeli citizens? Just ask Ari Fleischer, Bush's spokesman, or Paul Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, Adelman, Satloff, Kissinger, Luttwak, Feith, Zakheim, Abrams, Grossman, Haass, Zoelick, Schlesinger, Sembler, Chertoff, Bolton, Greenspan, Goldsmith, Golden, Gersten, Gildenhorn, Weinberger, Bodman, Cohen, Davis, Bloomfield, Lefkowitz, Frum, Melman, Blakeman…all jewish and all running things in Washington. Names from today's newspapers.  Even Colin Powell has a jewish forebear; he grew up in a jewish neighborhood and speaks Yiddish (didn't know that, did you?). His family was shabbas goy for the jews (did their forbidden work on the sabbath).
It's the jews, stupid!!!
The price for the White House? Selling out to jewish interests. That's why the so-called War on Terror. That's how Bush came from nowhere and coasted to the Presidency. He, Clinton before him and most of the presidents of modern times are traitors, pure and simple. They sold their country, including you and me, for a turn at the trough. Yes, you heard me right: George Bush is a traitor.
Why in the world does America have to share Israel's fate, simply because the jews want to eject the Palestinians from all of Palestine today? Why do American boys have to die to advance Israel's interests, when Israel's boys do everything they can to shirk the call of duty during war (did you know the malingering coward slapped by Patton was jewish?)?
Why does America lionize people like Clinton and Bush, both of whom dodged the draft? Shabbas goy…that's all they are.
It's the jews, stupid!!!
They are going to get a large number of Americans killed, and soon. They are going to impoverish almost all of us. The party is over.
Something is coming at us, and coming fast. The market is in freefall again. It is one month until general elections here in America. Several major banks are literally on the edge of failing. Deflation is actively taking hold, along with its cousin, Depression. Bush has been slamming through his domestic crackdown agenda, designed to cope with all of us when the wheels come off next year.  Monday night brings some sort of major presidential address about Iraq. Look for Bush to announce that he doesn't need UN approval to wage war on Iraq. Of course, we've been bombing that country to shreds for weeks already (everybody in Europe knows this, but it has been suppressed in America).
War is the classic distraction from an economic meltdown. Expect another 911 at any moment, to generate the necessary public support for the Bush/NWO agenda.
No, 911 wasn't perpetrated by a bunch of ragheads at the controls of 757s – again, do your research and think for yourself. The 8 am work population for the WTC was about 40,000. Countless jewish companies moved out just in advance of 911 or had their entire staffs elsewhere that day. Jews, laughing gleefully, were witnessed photographing the entire disaster. Number of israeli jews who died along with all those innocent victims, foreign nationals and police/firefighter heroes: exactly one. Before 911, Israel was being badly skewered in America's jewish-controlled media. That has all changed now, of course. Follow the money.
It's the jews, stupid!!!
Wake yourself up fully, then awaken the others. That's all we can do…for now.
New America. An idea whose time has come.


"I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth."
– Morpheus

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